orders and shipping

We offer worldwide shipping within 1-2 business days after the order has been placed. Shipping charges are calculated based on the destination and the subtotal of your order. For orders within the United States, we provide free shipping.

All of our items come with tracking information. Delivery times vary depending on the destination. Items ordered within the United States are typically dispatched from our US storage and usually arrive within 2-5 business days from the ship date. If an item is not available in our US storage, it will be dispatched from one of our EU storages, and the shipping time will take approximately 10-20 days.

For items ordered outside of the United States, they will be shipped from our EU storage, and the shipping time will take approximately 10-20 days. Please note that we are not responsible for any custom duties that may be applied to your order.

If your order was recently placed, but you want to change or cancel it, please reach out to us ASAP via orders@timbuk2sale.com, we will do our best to help.

Replacement and returns

If you have received the wrong product or if something is missing from your order, please do not hesitate to contact us via orders@timbuk2sale.com.

If you wish to return an item because you just don’t like it, we will provide a return label, but we reserve the right to retain a restocking fee of 30% of the selling price.

Refunds will be issued to the original form of payment. All returned items must be in unused condition with all original tags.

Please note that we are a RESELLER. We are selling brand new old-stock Timbuk2 items, but we do not provide the manufacturer’s warranty.